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Monday, October 2, 2023


This Tarnished's journey takes him deeper into the lore of Melina ... who exactly is she? There are speculations that she is the daughter of Queen Marika, and even the younger sibling of Malenia and Miquella.. the weapon she wields (the Balde of Calling dagger) and the incantations (Erdtree) she casts only give some clues. (Hopefully the upcoming DLC will explain it all!!!)

(Credit: Nameless Ring/ YouTube)

But whoever she is, Melina's presence is beginning to take a hold on our protagonist. 

He may have started as a prophet skilled in Two Fingers, Fire Monk, Dragon Communion and even a bit of Blood incantations but it was the Erdtree and Frenzied Flame spells that gradually had him ... enchanted, as it were. After duelling with many foes, he has also been focusing more -- and excelling -- in his combat skills, wielding the Vyke's War Spear with much dexterity; so much so that he no longer relies so heavily on the mystic (dark) arts. 

Today, he finds himself back in Limgrave, at the Fringefolk Hero's Grave, where he will be seeking out the Dragon Communion Seal as he no longer has enough faith to wield the Erdtree Sacred Seal. But his strength in the spear continues to grow ...