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Saturday, January 2, 2010

My New Year Resolutions

Well, Christmas and New Year 'd come and gone and my new year resolutions for 2010 are as follows (though not in any particular order):
* to write better;
* to be a better person;
* to better my yoga practice;
* to find love

The first one on the list is probably, and relatively, the easiest, given it is not really dififcult If I put my mind to it. It is, therefore, achieveable. To better my yoga practice is also not going to be impossible because I love my practice -- though it does mean a lot of hard work because there are many physical limitations (extraordinarily tight hips and groin) that are stopping me from "perfecting" various poses that I need to overcome. But I can always work towards that perfection and, though challenging, is achieveable.

OMG, it's Patrick Creelman in another incredible pose!!!

Better oneself is tricky. Like everyone else (are there perfect humans?) I am born with fundamental flaws: a sense of insecurity, jealousy, greed (and so on) so this one certainly needs a bit of effort. But will try, try and try ...

And to find love. Hmm, not even sure this should be a resolution because can you work on finding love (?) Where to look? How to look? What to look? Will there be signs? Will I have to work hard to find them?

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