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Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Morning Intensive

It's been awhile since my last entry ... just keep getting caught up with, well, life (and Monster Monpiece *lol*) and my plan to meditate just 10 minutes a day (homework!!) has gone a bit pear shaped. But I'm determined not to let things just slide (at least I've been holding one class a week) and have booked five morning intensive classes the next fortnight (yes, getting up @ 5.30 am! Commitment!) It was nice to see some of my classmates this morning (and our moody instructor was warm and welcoming, which was also v nice). 

Wow, this was taken a few years back
The practice itself was fine (early days!) and I'm very happy that my hips seem to have opened a lot, hamstrings loosened, so Trikonasana is no longer a problem. Though I still need to work very hard getting my bending knee into 90 degrees when in Virabhadrasana 2. Urdhva Dhanurasana was tough cos I haven't been practising *head down in shame* But I'm now looking forward to the rest of the intensives as they will get harder next week ... and even the upcoming 100-hour training in January.

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