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Saturday, March 5, 2022


Here is a video game that'd generated so much hype it was hard for me not to get it (downloaded it off PlayStation the weekend it was released). Which is also a kinda rash decision, given I have not played any of the previous "Souls" games produced by the same developer, FromSoftware. And what's so special about these Souls games? They are notoriously unforgiving and, therefore, difficult. 

Elden Ring boasts of a HUGE map (truly!!) and, like, at every turn, there is something that wants to kill you. And I really am not exaggerating. So, how to survive?

First of all, forget about following the overall story progression like you would with any other RPGs because your character will just ... die. (Oh, and there seems to be fewer missions or side quests, which I like). So I've spent a good part of the week just farming gear/weapons/items/ experience to better survivability. 

There are quite a few classes/jobs to choose from at the start of the game -- but since I quite fancy being a caster (read they are quite strong in this game) -- I went with "Prophet", which is, like, a cleric who can cast incantations as well as spells but has stats that also make a Paladin/ melee build viable. Right now my character can cast one really strong spell but I need to work on the melee attacks, especially with a spear. 

Rage-smashed console control a few times already because 1) my brain-fingers coordination is still very poor (and the slightly complicated D-Pad menu doesn't help); 2) keep hitting triangle when I should be pressing circle (stupid brain); 3) couldn't move when being attacked cos I was wearing a heavy armor (doh! read the instructions!) Honestly, there are no bad games, only bad players LOL

The Godrick Knight set isn't that great ... 

Have gotten myself a nice staff, a decent "Traveler set", a very good spear and shield, now I need to look for an enchantment that can strengthen my shield (which is crucial to enhance survivability).  

Took me awhile to get this weapon drop

Stats-wise I think I will need more Vigor, Endurance and Dexterity to make my Paladin is less squishy ... casting spells from a distance is fine and great, but when the enemies come closer ... that is when an enchanted shield  can save my character from dying yet another horrible death πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ  


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